Delwiche Offers Statement On Contracts Being Tabled

At the November 21, 2024 Pennsbury School Board Action Meeting, numerous individuals came forward at public comment, expressing concerns about employment contracts up for extension. One contract created a new Assistant Superintendent role for Dr. Cherrissa Gibson. Board Member Jeannine Delwiche assures the public that these contracts are not a surprise and have been discussed at the Policy & Personnel Committee Meetings.

As seen visibly in the video, Ms. Delwiche reads a prepared statement regarding why the Board had pulled the contracts for Dr. Ricci and Dr. Gibson from a vote for approval. Below is a copy of the contract for Dr. Gibson that was eventually table before a vote occurred

Given the prepared statement and the decision by the Board to table these contracts, it appears that concerns were presented prior to the Board meeting that led to a last minute decision to table the vote. The following are two emails sent to the Pennsbury School Board prior to the vote expressing concerns about a hostile workplace that is being forged with the walls of the school district:

Or did the District react to the actions in Congress where Rep. Michael Cloud advanced the Dismantle DEI Act our of committee for a vote. Listen to Rep. Cloud’s remarks below and read through the details of the bill which intends to defund any organization that receives Federal taxpayer funding if they incorporate DEI into policies. For Pennsbury, this would result in an approximately potential loss of $3.5M in annual funding while still being obligated to implement federal mandates from the Department of Education.