Pennsbury “Mean Girls” Previously Silenced Opponents Using SLAPP Lawsuits

Efforts by Pennsbury School Board Liberal Bloc to silence those that disagree with their views has been a persistent problem within the district now for nearly a decade. From the “Save Gretzula” attack on Jacqui Redner to a First Amendment Lawsuit that led to an injunction and $300k and now the targeting of Board Member Donna Ahrens because she dared to speak with constituents and not toe the line. But one of the most serious abuse by the Pennsbury Liberals has often gone overlooked, the SLAPP lawsuit filed in 2021 to inhibit opponents from putting their message to the community forward

What Is A SLAPP Lawsuit?

A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit is a legal tactic used by individuals or organizations to intimidate, silence, or punish those who engage in protected speech or activities, such as speaking out on public issues or participating in community activities. These lawsuits are often meritless and are designed to burden the defendant with legal costs and the stress of litigation, ultimately discouraging them from exercising their civile rights. SLAPP lawsuits can target journalists, activists, bloggers, or ordinary citizens who express opinions, report on matters of public interest, or protest against certain actions or policies.

The primary goal of a SLAPP lawsuit is not necessarily to win the case in court but to create a chilling effect on free speech and public participation. By dragging the defendant through a lengthy and costly legal process, the plaintiff hopes to deter others from speaking out or taking similar actions. This tactic is particularly effective when the plaintiff has greater financial resources and can afford prolonged litigation, while the defendant may struggle to cover legal expenses. In some cases, just the threat of a SLAPP lawsuit can be enough to silence critics or suppress dissenting voices.

Political Opponents Were Targeted in 2021

In early May 2021, the Lower Makefield and Falls Township Democrats grew anxious about the possibility of Republicans winning a few seats and disrupting the 9-0 Liberal-controlled Board. This concern arose due to the uproar in the community over Doug Marshall’s censored comments at the March Action Board meeting. On or around May 11, 2021, the Pennsbury School District issued cease and desist orders against Victoria Czechowski and Jennifer Spillane, accusing them of violating Policy 321. These accusations stemmed from a picture taken by Czechowski’s then 9-year-old daughter at the annual Food Truck fundraiser. RTKs confirmed, after a protracted fight at the Open Records Office, that Pennsbury taxpayer funds were used to send these cease and desist letters to intimidate the two candidates.

A week later, reported that a SLAPP injunction had been obtained against Timothy Watkins and Frank Cabanas. The actions of Jeannine Delwiche, Joanne Steere and Linda Palsky during the 2021 campaign received minimal news coverage, leaving most of the community unaware of their activities. This allowed their actions to go largely unnoticed. The injunction was sought over mailers featuring a Sample Ballot, a common Democratic tactic seen annually on voting day at the polls. Watkins and Cabanas had cross-filed as Democrats, which is legally permitted in Pennsylvania, and their ballot indicated “not recommended” for Delwiche, Steere and Palsky. In response to the SLAPP injunction, Palsky gleefully stated after she silenced her opponents, “I think it tells you a lot about the character of our opponents that we have to go to these lengths to get them to play by the rules. I find it truly disheartening to see lies and deception used in a local school board campaign”

And just a few days later in May 2021, Pennsbury Solicitor Peter Amuso silenced community members at public comment, leading to national headlines and the infamous Simon Campbell takedown video that received over 50M views and led to dozens of interviews that exposed the misconduct of the Pennsbury Liberals utilizing various tactics to silence members of their own community. Pennsbury and its Board was found to have violated Free Speech rights, had an injunction filed preventing them from silencing public meeting attendees and settled the case for $300,000.

But where the real controversy erupted over a mailer that the Liberals found offensive, which was related to concerns about a new attempt at a Morrisville-Pennsbury merger. The mailer brought back bad memories from a decade earlier when the school district redrew lines for bus routes, resulting in more African American students being bused to Makefield Elementary on a route that Pennsbury employees later referred to as the “Soul Train.” By filing the SLAPP lawsuit, the Pennsbury Liberal candidates drained Watkins and Cabanas’ campaign funds and effectively silenced their efforts to alert the community about the merger plans. The attempts to merge with Morrisville ultimately failed miserably, as the financial models were riddled with formula errors and unrealistic forecasts, leading to their demise at the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Anti-SLAPP Legislation Now Protects Pennsylvania Citizens

In July 2024, the Pennsylvania legislature took action to protect citizens from the types of justice system abuses seen in the 2021 election involving Delwiche, Steere, and Palsky. The legislation, introduced by PA State Rep Ryan Bizarro (D-Erie) and signed into law by Governor Josh Shapiro, expanded the scope of Anti-SLAPP protections. Previously, these protections applied only to free speech related to environmental issues. The new legislation extends protections to all First Amendment expressions, allows defendants to file an anti-SLAPP motion early in the case, and mandates compensation for parties forced to fight frivolous suits. In a statement to PA Spotlight, Bizarro emphasized that “these SLAPP suits weaponize the system to penalize protest and silence free speech.”

In short, Delwiche, Steere, and Palsky’s past actions to silence their opponents have now been outlawed, unless they wish to drain their own campaign funds with frivolous legal actions. These new limitations will require them to shift their approach to silencing opponents, using new tactics to silence those that they don’t agree with. Perhaps attacking Donna Ahrens for daring to be a Moderate and engaging with all her constituents, regardless of their political affiliation is the start of a new campaign to silence objectors like they did so successfully in 2021.

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